Listed Measures to Save Money


With rising expenses, it has become very important for a different individual to have a safe saving amount with oneself. It will be handy for any unforeseen emergency or maybe some future goals you have for yourself. So the next question is how to save money? Well, you’ll be going through few disciplinary steps to find that out.

  1. List out the expenses

Starting from tea to monthly bills to petrol to dress laundry, write down every accounted penny in a paper. Recharging mobile phones or internet, buying accessories for the gym, having pedicure and manicure, insurance, car parking, a huge one credit card bills, jot down all of these with a cool mind. Be alert enough not to miss out the vital as well as the petty ones.

  1. Decorate Monthly Budget

How to save money? Here lies the integral part. You have already acquired a fair idea, hence outline a budget. Make columns for your income and expenses. Do not forget to add up the special expenses which you get on the interval of months like car servicing, house cleaning, etc. Take out few amounts of each column and jot down the savings reasonably.

  1. Prioritize Your Expenditure

There will be some expenses where a huge chunk of money is required like electricity bills and in order to reduce that, use cautiously. Monthly grocery where you can easily cut down the extravagance needs. Do not sacrifice on education but you can easily remove the necessary evils i.e. tuitions for less important subjects.

  1. Treat Yourself

From every expense you make, keep like 10% for you in a saving account or perhaps retirement fun! This leads to a great saving at the end of a year. There you will be proud to own that.

  1. Say No to New Debts

How to save the money? Key point: Try not to indulge yourself in luxurious deals. It might seem mouthwatering but getting into it will cost you heavily.

  1. Have a safe locker

It is very wise to connect your monthly payroll to a bank savings account. Make some policies with future planning. Now the twist is, keep more than one account. Now each account should have a purpose. Account 1: where the raw money gets into from the company. Account 2: Treat money for yourself. Remove it at once after you get hold of it. Account 3: aside another big chunk for an emergency. Having these accounts, you will be in hunger to increase the bank balance no matter what. You will hunt down all the loopholes and will be eager to increase the amounts. That is where you will see its already rising.

  1. Be Patient

Now savings does not happen at one go. It requires time. If you have been a careless person with money, hence it will take time to get into the routine of saving money. Once you are into the scheduled chart, you can easily see the outcomes.

Now with time, just wait for the swell, and Happy Savings!